Clothes dryers are big energy consumers in a home. If yours seems to be running longer than it should to dry a load, check the duct. Dryers need a lot of air flowing through them for effective drying. If the duct is squashed or has a tight bend, it will have resistance to airflow, which increases drying time. … [Read more...]
To build our organization, we focus on customers, the key to growth
In this era of global competition, we can't be satisfied with sales that were as good as last year's. To be a profitable organization, we must grow. That means growth in sales, growth in profitability, and possibly the most important factor, growth in market share. Such a big order means we must attack the goal of growth from several different directions. We can't put the … [Read more...]
The easiest way to add a clickable header image
BODY { FONT-FAMILY:Tahoma; FONT-SIZE:10pt } P { FONT-FAMILY:Tahoma; FONT-SIZE:10pt } DIV { FONT-FAMILY:Tahoma; FONT-SIZE:10pt } TD { FONT-FAMILY:Tahoma; FONT-SIZE:10pt } I wrote an earlier tutorial about showing the easiest way to add a header image HERE.  I had a lot of feedback saying that it wasn’t clickable. That’s absolutely correct because it isn’t. That tutorial … [Read more...]
A big payoff in taking the optimistic view
If you're an optimist, you believe that any defeat is a temporary setback or a challenge. It doesn't knock you down. Using this theme in your life helps you move forward in your work. And a positive view helps to prevent illness, improves relationships, and increases self esteem. A study reported in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings shows the optimists live longer, are healthier, and … [Read more...]
Be ready for that important moment
It could be right around the corner: an occasion that puts you in the spotlight. How will you handle it? Career coaches say that before it happens, know that it probably will, sometime in the not-too-distant future. But if you always expect the unexpected, that act alone will increase your confidence and resilience. When you are called upon, the worst thing you can do is to … [Read more...]