In this era of global competition, we can’t be satisfied with sales that were as good as last year’s. To be a profitable organization, we must grow.
That means growth in sales, growth in profitability, and possibly the most important factor, growth in market share. Such a big order means we must attack the goal of growth from several different directions.
We can’t put the whole burden on our salespeople. They are an important part of it all, but much has to be done before and after they make a presentation to a prospective customer.
Though the world of business is very different from what it was before global competition, research shows that success still depends on traditional factors. According to studies by Harvard Business School, the key lies where it always has, with customers. With this in mind, steps to our goals include:
* Delivering the value that customers want and need. This means developing ways to produce excellent products and services while keeping costs and customer prices at satisfactory levels.
* Satisfying customer needs and expectations in outstanding ways. Studies show that companies that exceed customer expectations are more than six times as likely to achieve their growth goals as those that pursue other approaches.
* Enhancing customer loyalty. Excellent products and services are part of it, but we must satisfy customers individually as the need arises. When we do that, the customer is far more likely to buy from us again the next time around.
Every one of us is involved. We must feel the customer’s presence as we work every day.